Tree Climb Connecticut takes full advantage of the beautiful state and county parks that Connecticut is known for while providing classroom training in a convenient centralized location.
Located in Coventry and Manchester Connecticut just a few miles outside of the Greater Hartford area. Tree Climb Connecticut provides a unique climbing area with excellent tall trees and forest are containing Maple, Oak , Ash and Pine.
We offer complete classes for Saddle Hunters, Arborists, and tree workers. All students are taught how to recognize and report the invasive species that threaten our trees such as the Asian Long Horn Beetle and the Emerald Ash Borer.
New England Tree Climbing for Arborist class as seen in Popular Mechanics
Leaf Peeping As Seen On Travel New England
Your instructor for Connecticut is Mike. Mike is a certified NETC Instructor, with years of experience as a guide, outdoorsman and is a enthusiastic instructor.
Email: Mike
Call: 1-860-918-0415
This class is for tree workers who want to “learn the ropes and get off the ground”. During the 1 day class we teach both the Double and Single rope techniques plus demonstrate many of the new climbing devices available. You will learn to install the ropes in the trees, tie and use more than 5 climbing knots and ascend and descend both with the knots but also with ascenders, descenders and the latest gear to hit the industry. You can expect to do 6-10 climbs during the day. The class does not teach tree working, or the use of climbing spikes which are used only during tree removal. All equipment is supplied. Upon course completion a certification card and certificate is issued.
The class is for those who wish to learn the newest innovation to come to hunting itself and be able to climb easily and safely on their own. It teaches non- invasive methods of climbing that don’t damage trees in any way there by keeping landowners happy. If you can climb a ladder you can rope climb up. Climbers learn methods that have been used for decades throughout the arborist industry to safely climb and be comfortable in trees for hours. This combined with the newest equipment developed in all climbing sports makes for quick and safe ascents into the canopy. The class is 1 day and special arrangements can often be made if the posted schedule is not convenient. The day starts off with the basic lessons about safety and technique and then afterward with a climb in the trees that are already set. Then it’s off to learn more about how to select the proper trees; how to set the rope..even in the dark; what sort of rope and other equipment is needed; how to tie the proper knots etc. That afternoon, you get to use everything you learned, selecting the tree, throwing and setting the ropes and then tying the knots….then you climb the tree you prepared. All equipment is provided except work gloves that the student needs to bring. At the completion of the class students receive picture ID cards and discounts with the major equipment manufacturers.
Learn things such as: How to install a rope when the tree you need doesn’t have a limb or crotch where you need one. What saddles are most comfortable for you. How to install a rope where you want without throwing it. How to install a rope quietly in the dark and pull your gear up as you need it. What method uses the pully affect to make climbing a snap by making you feel stronger and you and your gear much lighter.
This class is for tree workers who want to “learn the ropes and get off the ground”. During the 1 day class we teach both the Double and Single rope techniques plus demonstrate many of the new climbing devices available. You will learn to install the ropes in the trees, tie and use more than 5 climbing knots and ascend and descend both with the knots but also with ascenders , descenders and the latest gear to hit the industry. You can expect to do 6-10 climbs during the day. The class does not teach tree working, or the use of climbing spikes which are used only during tree removal. All equipment is supplied.
Price: $300 for a Single
Price: $270 for 2 or more per person
Note: Weekday dates are available with 2 students minimum and 3 weeks notice.
This Connecticut class is designed for people who want to learn all aspects of the sport to be self-sufficient and be able to climb on their own. All equipment is supplied for the class.
Price: $300 for a Single
Price: $270 for 2 or more per person
Note: Weekday dates are available with 2 students minimum and 3 weeks notice.